Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Oh My ! It has been since the first of October since I have posted anything! I feel like such a slacker!!!! BUT.........lots has been going on. I went through all the steps this past summer to ensure my qualifications to become a substitute teacher and for awhile I wasn't getting any phone calls. Then...BOOM!!!....the phone doesn't stop ringing! I love it though! Never thought I would have so much fun. My younger two love seeing me at school and when I can, I take my lunch break when they have theirs.

Tomorrow is Christmas!! YEAH!!!! So exciting!! The kids are excited to. Daniel even thanked God tonight that santa was coming but thanked Him more for it being Jesus' birthday.
I am having issues with the whole santa thing and I want the kiddos to know the truth but.....they are almost there on their own anyway. Maybe when the topic comes up after Christmas I will feel out the right words to say. Next year we are looking at splitting Christmas between South Carolina and Vegas. This will be the first time we have done something like that. I am usually a BIG advocate for being home on Christmas but honestly with all the snow we have now I can totally see myself somewhere tropical. Feet in the sand, lights stung on a palm tree.........ahhhhhhhh.....

Well,I bascially just popped in to say "hi" and apologise for being gone so long. Since we are out of school for a bit, I will try to update and post some pics.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.........

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