Friday, April 18, 2008

just one more....I'm on a roll :-)

So, yeah.....3 post in one day....kind of makes up for all those I didn't do. Just wanted to share about the new book I am reading.
Here's a blurb about it:
"This Year I Will
Every so often people get inspired (again!) to lose weight, get organized, start saving, or stop worrying –but a few months later they give up, frustrated. It doesn’t have to be that way. In This Year I Will , bestselling author M.J. Ryan offers breakthrough wisdom and coaching to help readers make this time the time that change becomes permanent.
Why do people find it so hard to change? The secret is that everyone has their own formula for making changes that stick, but most people don’t know what theirs is. They think there is one way to lose five pounds, and another way to stay on top of their email, but they don’t realize that for all changes, there is one system that works best for each individual. This Year I Will helps you lock on to your unique formula for planning, implementing, and seeing a life change through, so you can use it again and again to tackle anything else you’d like to do."

This book has been so good so much so that I haven't wanted to pick up another. My book reading has come to a halt until I have finished this book. Honestly, with this book, I will read it completely but I am sure it will be one I want to keep around to refer back to and go back and dissect some areas.
Where I am in the book right now it talks about making positive changes/habits. This is different then reminding yourself that you don't want something. For instance the book talks about trying not to eat doughnuts, your mind will try to tell you not to eat them but the other part of your mind will only be thinking about doughnuts. so what are you going to want? Doughnuts.
So instead of telling yourself not to eat the doughnuts just tell yourself you are going to make healthy choices.
Just like looking at the pile of stuff you need to clean out of your house and all the hard work and time it will take to do the cleaning, will make you feel overwhelmed. Instead, just remind yourself of the end reward.

So in essence it's just changing your thought process and building more positive thought routes into your gray matter. If you've ever had trouble changing something, pick the book up from your local library and give it read.

Here's to positive changes in all our lives.......

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