Monday, May 26, 2008

Time flies.......

Happy Memorial day! May you be ever grateful to those who have given us our freedom by laying down their lives.

What a busy weekend!!! Allen and the older boys left Thursday evening for a trip to Canada with the Sea Cadets so it was just me and the younger 2. Friday I worked then we rented videos for the evening. Saturday was filled with going roller skating and Sunday we went to the beach.

Today we got up early to be at the parade when it started. By the afternoon Allen and the older boys were home and then off to a cookout at our friends' house.Whew!

The cookout was great! Time to catch up with friends and relax and let the children wear themselves out. And that they did! The kids( and grown ups) had a blast on our go kart that our Friends are soooooooo graciously "storing" for us ;-). (thank you thank you thank you!!)

After a FEAST( love those Jen Beans!!) we topped the evening off with rootbeer floats.

Our friends also have some chickens and recently got a new broad in. I have to show you my favorite....

this picture is a bit dark but she was somewhat shy :-). I have officially named her "Tina Turner". She's so cute!! All that hair up top and skinny brown legs :-) I will HAVE to get a better picture of her to post.

Here are some other fun shots from the day.......

This ones for you Jen....FRIENDS TIL THE END ;-) hehehe


Danica Patrick eat your heart out baby!!

This is Nick..........tell me Becky...what's wrong with this picture? :-)


Previous goings on..........

Almost 4 years ago we had a foster child from Uganda come into our home. I remember when I took her to the neurologist and he said she would never function past a three month old level... I just kept thinking.." you are not God!!"

Well, friends in a neighboring town adopted this little angel and now she is flourishing and using a sippy cup, not a bottle, can "color" and walk assisted with a walker and also understands sign language. So there my neurologist!

Allen and I were fortunate enough to go hear the lady that owns the orphanage speak. Amazing the things they are doing for the children in Uganda!

here is a picture of Ruth:

God bless Ruth and her family.

So all in all it has been busy but in a fun way. time flies, but when you are making memories it makes it all worth while!

Here's to you having fun!!

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